Source code for browsepy.file

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

import os
import os.path
import re
import shutil
import codecs
import string
import random
import datetime
import logging

from flask import current_app, send_from_directory
from werkzeug.utils import cached_property

from . import compat
from .compat import range
from .stream import TarFileStream
from .exceptions import OutsideDirectoryBase, OutsideRemovableBase, \
                        PathTooLongError, FilenameTooLongError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
unicode_underscore = '_'.decode('utf-8') if compat.PY_LEGACY else '_'
underscore_replace = '%s:underscore' % __name__
                      lambda error: (unicode_underscore, error.start + 1)
binary_units = ("B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB")
standard_units = ("B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB")
common_path_separators = '\\/'
restricted_chars = '/\0'
nt_restricted_chars = '/\0\\<>:"|?*' + ''.join(map(chr, range(1, 32)))
restricted_names = ('.', '..', '::', '/', '\\')
nt_device_names = (
    ('CON', 'PRN', 'AUX', 'NUL') +
    tuple(map('COM{}'.format, range(1, 10))) +
    tuple(map('LPT{}'.format, range(1, 10)))
fs_safe_characters = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits

[docs]class Node(object): ''' Abstract filesystem node class. This represents an unspecified entity with a filesystem's path suitable for being inherited by plugins. When inheriting, the following attributes should be overwritten in order to specify :meth:`from_urlpath` classmethod behavior: * :attr:`generic`, if true, an instance of directory_class or file_class will be created instead of an instance of this class tself. * :attr:`directory_class`, class will be used for directory nodes, * :attr:`file_class`, class will be used for file nodes. ''' generic = True directory_class = None # set later at import time file_class = None # set later at import time re_charset = re.compile('; charset=(?P<charset>[^;]+)') can_download = False is_root = False
[docs] @cached_property def is_excluded(self): ''' Get if current node shouldn't be shown, using :attt:`app` config's exclude_fnc. :returns: True if excluded, False otherwise ''' exclude = and['exclude_fnc'] return exclude and exclude(self.path)
[docs] @cached_property def plugin_manager(self): ''' Get current app's plugin manager. :returns: plugin manager instance ''' return['plugin_manager']
[docs] @cached_property def widgets(self): ''' List widgets with filter return True for this node (or without filter). Remove button is prepended if :property:can_remove returns true. :returns: list of widgets :rtype: list of namedtuple instances ''' widgets = [] if self.can_remove: widgets.append( self.plugin_manager.create_widget( 'entry-actions', 'button', file=self, css='remove', endpoint='remove' ) ) return widgets + self.plugin_manager.get_widgets(file=self)
[docs] @cached_property def can_remove(self): ''' Get if current node can be removed based on app config's directory_remove. :returns: True if current node can be removed, False otherwise. :rtype: bool ''' dirbase =["directory_remove"] return bool(dirbase and check_under_base(self.path, dirbase))
[docs] @cached_property def stats(self): ''' Get current stats object as returned by os.stat function. :returns: stats object :rtype: posix.stat_result or nt.stat_result ''' return os.stat(self.path)
[docs] @cached_property def pathconf(self): ''' Get filesystem config for current path. See :func:`compat.pathconf`. :returns: fs config :rtype: dict ''' return compat.pathconf(self.path)
[docs] @cached_property def parent(self): ''' Get parent node if available based on app config's directory_base. :returns: parent object if available :rtype: Node instance or None ''' if check_path(self.path,['directory_base']): return None parent = os.path.dirname(self.path) if self.path else None return self.directory_class(parent, if parent else None
[docs] @cached_property def ancestors(self): ''' Get list of ancestors until app config's directory_base is reached. :returns: list of ancestors starting from nearest. :rtype: list of Node objects ''' ancestors = [] parent = self.parent while parent: ancestors.append(parent) parent = parent.parent return ancestors
@property def modified(self): ''' Get human-readable last modification date-time. :returns: iso9008-like date-time string (without timezone) :rtype: str ''' try: dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.stats.st_mtime) return dt.strftime('%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S') except OSError: return None @property def urlpath(self): ''' Get the url substring corresponding to this node for those endpoints accepting a 'path' parameter, suitable for :meth:`from_urlpath`. :returns: relative-url-like for node's path :rtype: str ''' return abspath_to_urlpath(self.path,['directory_base']) @property def name(self): ''' Get the basename portion of node's path. :returns: filename :rtype: str ''' return os.path.basename(self.path) @property def type(self): ''' Get the mime portion of node's mimetype (without the encoding part). :returns: mimetype :rtype: str ''' return self.mimetype.split(";", 1)[0] @property def category(self): ''' Get mimetype category (first portion of mimetype before the slash). :returns: mimetype category :rtype: str As of 2016-11-03's revision of RFC2046 it could be one of the following: * application * audio * example * image * message * model * multipart * text * video ''' return self.type.split('/', 1)[0] def __init__(self, path=None, app=None, **defaults): ''' :param path: local path :type path: str :param path: optional app instance :type path: :param **defaults: attributes will be set to object ''' self.path = compat.fsdecode(path) if path else None = current_app if app is None else app self.__dict__.update(defaults) # only for attr and cached_property
[docs] def remove(self): ''' Does nothing except raising if can_remove property returns False. :raises: OutsideRemovableBase if :property:`can_remove` returns false ''' if not self.can_remove: raise OutsideRemovableBase("File outside removable base")
[docs] @classmethod def from_urlpath(cls, path, app=None): ''' Alternative constructor which accepts a path as taken from URL and uses the given app or the current app config to get the real path. If class has attribute `generic` set to True, `directory_class` or `file_class` will be used as type. :param path: relative path as from URL :param app: optional, flask application :return: file object pointing to path :rtype: File ''' app = app or current_app base = app.config['directory_base'] path = urlpath_to_abspath(path, base) if not cls.generic: kls = cls elif os.path.isdir(path): kls = cls.directory_class else: kls = cls.file_class return kls(path=path, app=app)
[docs] @classmethod def register_file_class(cls, kls): ''' Convenience method for setting current class file_class property. :param kls: class to set :type kls: type :returns: given class (enabling using this as decorator) :rtype: type ''' cls.file_class = kls return kls
[docs] @classmethod def register_directory_class(cls, kls): ''' Convenience method for setting current class directory_class property. :param kls: class to set :type kls: type :returns: given class (enabling using this as decorator) :rtype: type ''' cls.directory_class = kls return kls
[docs]@Node.register_file_class class File(Node): ''' Filesystem file class. Some notes: * :attr:`can_download` is fixed to True, so Files can be downloaded inconditionaly. * :attr:`can_upload` is fixed to False, so nothing can be uploaded to file path. * :attr:`is_directory` is fixed to False, so no further checks are performed. * :attr:`generic` is set to False, so static method :meth:`from_urlpath` will always return instances of this class. ''' can_download = True can_upload = False is_directory = False generic = False
[docs] @cached_property def widgets(self): ''' List widgets with filter return True for this file (or without filter). Entry link is prepended. Download button is prepended if :property:can_download returns true. Remove button is prepended if :property:can_remove returns true. :returns: list of widgets :rtype: list of namedtuple instances ''' widgets = [ self.plugin_manager.create_widget( 'entry-link', 'link', file=self, endpoint='open' ) ] if self.can_download: widgets.append( self.plugin_manager.create_widget( 'entry-actions', 'button', file=self, css='download', endpoint='download_file' ) ) return widgets + super(File, self).widgets
[docs] @cached_property def mimetype(self): ''' Get full mimetype, with encoding if available. :returns: mimetype :rtype: str ''' return self.plugin_manager.get_mimetype(self.path)
[docs] @cached_property def is_file(self): ''' Get if node is file. :returns: True if file, False otherwise :rtype: bool ''' return os.path.isfile(self.path)
@property def size(self): ''' Get human-readable node size in bytes. If directory, this will corresponds with own inode size. :returns: fuzzy size with unit :rtype: str ''' try: size, unit = fmt_size( self.stats.st_size,['use_binary_multiples'] if else False ) except OSError: return None if unit == binary_units[0]: return "%d %s" % (size, unit) return "%.2f %s" % (size, unit) @property def encoding(self): ''' Get encoding part of mimetype, or "default" if not available. :returns: file conding as returned by mimetype function or "default" :rtype: str ''' if ";" in self.mimetype: match = gdict = match.groupdict() if match else {} return gdict.get("charset") or "default" return "default"
[docs] def remove(self): ''' Remove file. :raises OutsideRemovableBase: when not under removable base directory ''' super(File, self).remove() os.unlink(self.path)
[docs] def download(self): ''' Get a Flask's send_file Response object pointing to this file. :returns: Response object as returned by flask's send_file :rtype: flask.Response ''' directory, name = os.path.split(self.path) return send_from_directory(directory, name, as_attachment=True)
[docs]@Node.register_directory_class class Directory(Node): ''' Filesystem directory class. Some notes: * :attr:`mimetype` is fixed to 'inode/directory', so mimetype detection functions won't be called in this case. * :attr:`is_file` is fixed to False, so no further checks are needed. * :attr:`size` is fixed to 0 (zero), so stats are not required for this. * :attr:`encoding` is fixed to 'default'. * :attr:`generic` is set to False, so static method :meth:`from_urlpath` will always return instances of this class. ''' _listdir_cache = None mimetype = 'inode/directory' is_file = False size = None encoding = 'default' generic = False @property def name(self): ''' Get the basename portion of directory's path. :returns: filename :rtype: str ''' return super(Directory, self).name or self.path
[docs] @cached_property def widgets(self): ''' List widgets with filter return True for this dir (or without filter). Entry link is prepended. Upload scripts and widget are added if :property:can_upload is true. Download button is prepended if :property:can_download returns true. Remove button is prepended if :property:can_remove returns true. :returns: list of widgets :rtype: list of namedtuple instances ''' widgets = [ self.plugin_manager.create_widget( 'entry-link', 'link', file=self, endpoint='browse' ) ] if self.can_upload: widgets.extend(( self.plugin_manager.create_widget( 'head', 'script', file=self, endpoint='static', filename='' ), self.plugin_manager.create_widget( 'scripts', 'script', file=self, endpoint='static', filename='' ), self.plugin_manager.create_widget( 'header', 'upload', file=self, text='Upload', endpoint='upload' ) )) if self.can_download: widgets.append( self.plugin_manager.create_widget( 'entry-actions', 'button', file=self, css='download', endpoint='download_directory' ) ) return widgets + super(Directory, self).widgets
[docs] @cached_property def is_directory(self): ''' Get if path points to a real directory. :returns: True if real directory, False otherwise :rtype: bool ''' return os.path.isdir(self.path)
[docs] @cached_property def is_root(self): ''' Get if directory is filesystem's root :returns: True if FS root, False otherwise :rtype: bool ''' return check_path(os.path.dirname(self.path), self.path)
[docs] @cached_property def can_download(self): ''' Get if path is downloadable (if app's `directory_downloadable` config property is True). :returns: True if downloadable, False otherwise :rtype: bool ''' return['directory_downloadable']
[docs] @cached_property def can_upload(self): ''' Get if a file can be uploaded to path (if directory path is under app's `directory_upload` config property). :returns: True if a file can be upload to directory, False otherwise :rtype: bool ''' dirbase =["directory_upload"] return dirbase and check_base(self.path, dirbase)
[docs] @cached_property def can_remove(self): ''' Get if current node can be removed based on app config's directory_remove. :returns: True if current node can be removed, False otherwise. :rtype: bool ''' return self.parent and super(Directory, self).can_remove
[docs] @cached_property def is_empty(self): ''' Get if directory is empty (based on :meth:`_listdir`). :returns: True if this directory has no entries, False otherwise. :rtype: bool ''' if self._listdir_cache is not None: return not bool(self._listdir_cache) for entry in self._listdir(): return False return True
[docs] def remove(self): ''' Remove directory tree. :raises OutsideRemovableBase: when not under removable base directory ''' super(Directory, self).remove() shutil.rmtree(self.path)
[docs] def download(self): ''' Get a Flask Response object streaming a tarball of this directory. :returns: Response object :rtype: flask.Response ''' return TarFileStream( self.path,['directory_tar_buffsize'],['exclude_fnc'], ), mimetype="application/octet-stream" )
[docs] def contains(self, filename): ''' Check if directory contains an entry with given filename. :param filename: filename will be check :type filename: str :returns: True if exists, False otherwise. :rtype: bool ''' return os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, filename))
[docs] def choose_filename(self, filename, attempts=999): ''' Get a new filename which does not colide with any entry on directory, based on given filename. :param filename: base filename :type filename: str :param attempts: number of attempts, defaults to 999 :type attempts: int :returns: filename :rtype: str :raises FilenameTooLong: when filesystem filename size limit is reached :raises PathTooLong: when OS or filesystem path size limit is reached ''' new_filename = filename for attempt in range(2, attempts + 1): if not self.contains(new_filename): break new_filename = alternative_filename(filename, attempt) else: while self.contains(new_filename): new_filename = alternative_filename(filename) limit = self.pathconf.get('PC_NAME_MAX', 0) if limit and limit < len(filename): raise FilenameTooLongError( path=self.path, filename=filename, limit=limit) abspath = os.path.join(self.path, filename) limit = self.pathconf.get('PC_PATH_MAX', 0) if limit and limit < len(abspath): raise PathTooLongError(path=abspath, limit=limit) return new_filename
def _listdir(self, precomputed_stats=( == 'nt')): ''' Iter unsorted entries on this directory. :yields: Directory or File instance for each entry in directory :ytype: Node ''' for entry in scandir(self.path, kwargs = { 'path': entry.path, 'app':, 'parent': self, 'is_excluded': False } try: if precomputed_stats and not entry.is_symlink(): kwargs['stats'] = entry.stat() if entry.is_dir(follow_symlinks=True): yield self.directory_class(**kwargs) else: yield self.file_class(**kwargs) except OSError as e: logger.exception(e)
[docs] def listdir(self, sortkey=None, reverse=False): ''' Get sorted list (by given sortkey and reverse params) of File objects. :return: sorted list of File instances :rtype: list of File instances ''' if self._listdir_cache is None: self._listdir_cache = tuple(self._listdir()) if sortkey: return sorted(self._listdir_cache, key=sortkey, reverse=reverse) data = list(self._listdir_cache) if reverse: data.reverse() return data
[docs]def fmt_size(size, binary=True): ''' Get size and unit. :param size: size in bytes :type size: int :param binary: whether use binary or standard units, defaults to True :type binary: bool :return: size and unit :rtype: tuple of int and unit as str ''' if binary: fmt_sizes = binary_units fmt_divider = 1024. else: fmt_sizes = standard_units fmt_divider = 1000. for fmt in fmt_sizes[:-1]: if size < 1000: return (size, fmt) size /= fmt_divider return size, fmt_sizes[-1]
def relativize_path(path, base, os_sep=os.sep): ''' Make absolute path relative to an absolute base. :param path: absolute path :type path: str :param base: absolute base path :type base: str :param os_sep: path component separator, defaults to current OS separator :type os_sep: str :return: relative path :rtype: str or unicode :raises OutsideDirectoryBase: if path is not below base ''' if not check_base(path, base, os_sep): raise OutsideDirectoryBase("%r is not under %r" % (path, base)) prefix_len = len(base) if not base.endswith(os_sep): prefix_len += len(os_sep) return path[prefix_len:]
[docs]def abspath_to_urlpath(path, base, os_sep=os.sep): ''' Make filesystem absolute path uri relative using given absolute base path. :param path: absolute path :param base: absolute base path :param os_sep: path component separator, defaults to current OS separator :return: relative uri :rtype: str or unicode :raises OutsideDirectoryBase: if resulting path is not below base ''' return relativize_path(path, base, os_sep).replace(os_sep, '/')
[docs]def urlpath_to_abspath(path, base, os_sep=os.sep): ''' Make uri relative path fs absolute using a given absolute base path. :param path: relative path :param base: absolute base path :param os_sep: path component separator, defaults to current OS separator :return: absolute path :rtype: str or unicode :raises OutsideDirectoryBase: if resulting path is not below base ''' prefix = base if base.endswith(os_sep) else base + os_sep realpath = os.path.abspath(prefix + path.replace('/', os_sep)) if check_path(base, realpath) or check_under_base(realpath, base): return realpath raise OutsideDirectoryBase("%r is not under %r" % (realpath, base))
def generic_filename(path): ''' Extract filename of given path os-indepently, taking care of known path separators. :param path: path :return: filename :rtype: str or unicode (depending on given path) ''' for sep in common_path_separators: if sep in path: _, path = path.rsplit(sep, 1) return path def clean_restricted_chars(path, restricted_chars=restricted_chars): ''' Get path without restricted characters. :param path: path :return: path without restricted characters :rtype: str or unicode (depending on given path) ''' for character in restricted_chars: path = path.replace(character, '_') return path def check_forbidden_filename(filename,, restricted_names=restricted_names): ''' Get if given filename is forbidden for current OS or filesystem. :param filename: :param destiny_os: destination operative system :param fs_encoding: destination filesystem filename encoding :return: wether is forbidden on given OS (or filesystem) or not :rtype: bool ''' return ( filename in restricted_names or destiny_os == 'nt' and filename.split('.', 1)[0].upper() in nt_device_names )
[docs]def check_path(path, base, os_sep=os.sep): ''' Check if both given paths are equal. :param path: absolute path :type path: str :param base: absolute base path :type base: str :param os_sep: path separator, defaults to os.sep :type base: str :return: wether two path are equal or not :rtype: bool ''' base = base[:-len(os_sep)] if base.endswith(os_sep) else base return os.path.normcase(path) == os.path.normcase(base)
[docs]def check_base(path, base, os_sep=os.sep): ''' Check if given absolute path is under or given base. :param path: absolute path :type path: str :param base: absolute base path :type base: str :param os_sep: path separator, defaults to os.sep :return: wether path is under given base or not :rtype: bool ''' return ( check_path(path, base, os_sep) or check_under_base(path, base, os_sep) )
[docs]def check_under_base(path, base, os_sep=os.sep): ''' Check if given absolute path is under given base. :param path: absolute path :type path: str :param base: absolute base path :type base: str :param os_sep: path separator, defaults to os.sep :return: wether file is under given base or not :rtype: bool ''' prefix = base if base.endswith(os_sep) else base + os_sep return os.path.normcase(path).startswith(os.path.normcase(prefix))
[docs]def secure_filename(path,, fs_encoding=compat.FS_ENCODING): ''' Get rid of parent path components and special filenames. If path is invalid or protected, return empty string. :param path: unsafe path, only basename will be used :type: str :param destiny_os: destination operative system (defaults to :type destiny_os: str :param fs_encoding: fs path encoding (defaults to detected) :type fs_encoding: str :return: filename or empty string :rtype: str ''' path = generic_filename(path) path = clean_restricted_chars( path, restricted_chars=( nt_restricted_chars if destiny_os == 'nt' else restricted_chars )) path = path.strip(' .') # required by nt, recommended for others if check_forbidden_filename(path, destiny_os=destiny_os): return '' if isinstance(path, bytes): path = path.decode('latin-1', errors=underscore_replace) # Decode and recover from filesystem encoding in order to strip unwanted # characters out kwargs = { 'os_name': destiny_os, 'fs_encoding': fs_encoding, 'errors': underscore_replace, } fs_encoded_path = compat.fsencode(path, **kwargs) fs_decoded_path = compat.fsdecode(fs_encoded_path, **kwargs) return fs_decoded_path
[docs]def alternative_filename(filename, attempt=None): ''' Generates an alternative version of given filename. If an number attempt parameter is given, will be used on the alternative name, a random value will be used otherwise. :param filename: original filename :param attempt: optional attempt number, defaults to null :return: new filename :rtype: str or unicode ''' filename_parts = filename.rsplit(u'.', 2) name = filename_parts[0] ext = ''.join(u'.%s' % ext for ext in filename_parts[1:]) if attempt is None: choose = random.choice extra = u' %s' % ''.join(choose(fs_safe_characters) for i in range(8)) else: extra = u' (%d)' % attempt return u'%s%s%s' % (name, extra, ext)
[docs]def scandir(path, app=None): ''' Config-aware scandir. Currently, only aware of ``exclude_fnc``. :param path: absolute path :type path: str :param app: flask application :type app: flask.Flask or None :returns: filtered scandir entries :rtype: iterator ''' exclude = app and app.config.get('exclude_fnc') if exclude: return ( item for item in compat.scandir(path) if not exclude(item.path) ) return compat.scandir(path)