Source code for browsepy.manager

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

import re
import sys
import argparse
import warnings
import collections

from flask import current_app
from werkzeug.utils import cached_property

from . import mimetype
from . import compat
from .compat import deprecated, usedoc

[docs]def defaultsnamedtuple(name, fields, defaults=None): ''' Generate namedtuple with default values. :param name: name :param fields: iterable with field names :param defaults: iterable or mapping with field defaults :returns: defaultdict with given fields and given defaults :rtype: collections.defaultdict ''' nt = collections.namedtuple(name, fields) nt.__new__.__defaults__ = (None,) * len(nt._fields) if isinstance(defaults, collections.Mapping): nt.__new__.__defaults__ = tuple(nt(**defaults)) elif defaults: nt.__new__.__defaults__ = tuple(nt(*defaults)) return nt
class PluginNotFoundError(ImportError): pass class WidgetException(Exception): pass class WidgetParameterException(WidgetException): pass class InvalidArgumentError(ValueError): pass class PluginManagerBase(object): ''' Base plugin manager for plugin module loading and Flask extension logic. ''' @property def namespaces(self): ''' List of plugin namespaces taken from app config. ''' return['plugin_namespaces'] if else [] def __init__(self, app=None): if app is None: self.clear() else: self.init_app(app) def init_app(self, app): ''' Initialize this Flask extension for given app. ''' = app if not hasattr(app, 'extensions'): app.extensions = {} app.extensions['plugin_manager'] = self self.reload() def reload(self): ''' Clear plugin manager state and reload plugins. This method will make use of :meth:`clear` and :meth:`load_plugin`, so all internal state will be cleared, and all plugins defined in :data:`['plugin_modules']` will be loaded. ''' self.clear() for plugin in'plugin_modules', ()): self.load_plugin(plugin) def clear(self): ''' Clear plugin manager state. ''' pass def import_plugin(self, plugin): ''' Import plugin by given name, looking at :attr:`namespaces`. :param plugin: plugin module name :type plugin: str :raises PluginNotFoundError: if not found on any namespace ''' names = [ '%s%s%s' % (namespace, '' if namespace[-1] == '_' else '.', plugin) if namespace else plugin for namespace in self.namespaces ] for name in names: if name in sys.modules: return sys.modules[name] for name in names: try: __import__(name) return sys.modules[name] except (ImportError, KeyError): pass raise PluginNotFoundError( 'No plugin module %r found, tried %r' % (plugin, names), plugin, names) def load_plugin(self, plugin): ''' Import plugin (see :meth:`import_plugin`) and load related data. :param plugin: plugin module name :type plugin: str :raises PluginNotFoundError: if not found on any namespace ''' return self.import_plugin(plugin) class RegistrablePluginManager(PluginManagerBase): ''' Base plugin manager for plugin registration via :func:`register_plugin` functions at plugin module level. ''' def load_plugin(self, plugin): ''' Import plugin (see :meth:`import_plugin`) and load related data. If available, plugin's module-level :func:`register_plugin` function will be called with current plugin manager instance as first argument. :param plugin: plugin module name :type plugin: str :raises PluginNotFoundError: if not found on any namespace ''' module = super(RegistrablePluginManager, self).load_plugin(plugin) if hasattr(module, 'register_plugin'): module.register_plugin(self) return module class BlueprintPluginManager(RegistrablePluginManager): ''' Manager for blueprint registration via :meth:`register_plugin` calls. Note: blueprints are not removed on `clear` nor reloaded on `reload` as flask does not allow it. ''' def __init__(self, app=None): self._blueprint_known = set() super(BlueprintPluginManager, self).__init__(app=app) def register_blueprint(self, blueprint): ''' Register given blueprint on curren app. This method is provided for using inside plugin's module-level :func:`register_plugin` functions. :param blueprint: blueprint object with plugin endpoints :type blueprint: flask.Blueprint ''' if blueprint not in self._blueprint_known: self._blueprint_known.add(blueprint) class WidgetPluginManager(RegistrablePluginManager): ''' Plugin manager for widget registration. This class provides a dictionary of widget types at its :attr:`widget_types` attribute. They can be referenced by their keys on both :meth:`create_widget` and :meth:`register_widget` methods' `type` parameter, or instantiated directly and passed to :meth:`register_widget` via `widget` parameter. ''' widget_types = { 'base': defaultsnamedtuple( 'Widget', ('place', 'type')), 'link': defaultsnamedtuple( 'Link', ('place', 'type', 'css', 'icon', 'text', 'endpoint', 'href'), { 'type': 'link', 'text': lambda f:, 'icon': lambda f: f.category }), 'button': defaultsnamedtuple( 'Button', ('place', 'type', 'css', 'text', 'endpoint', 'href'), {'type': 'button'}), 'upload': defaultsnamedtuple( 'Upload', ('place', 'type', 'css', 'text', 'endpoint', 'action'), {'type': 'upload'}), 'stylesheet': defaultsnamedtuple( 'Stylesheet', ('place', 'type', 'endpoint', 'filename', 'href'), {'type': 'stylesheet'}), 'script': defaultsnamedtuple( 'Script', ('place', 'type', 'endpoint', 'filename', 'src'), {'type': 'script'}), 'html': defaultsnamedtuple( 'Html', ('place', 'type', 'html'), {'type': 'html'}), } def clear(self): ''' Clear plugin manager state. Registered widgets will be disposed after calling this method. ''' self._widgets = [] super(WidgetPluginManager, self).clear() def get_widgets(self, file=None, place=None): ''' List registered widgets, optionally matching given criteria. :param file: optional file object will be passed to widgets' filter functions. :type file: browsepy.file.Node or None :param place: optional template place hint. :type place: str :returns: list of widget instances :rtype: list of objects ''' return list(self.iter_widgets(file, place)) @classmethod def _resolve_widget(cls, file, widget): ''' Resolve widget callable properties into static ones. :param file: file will be used to resolve callable properties. :type file: browsepy.file.Node :param widget: widget instance optionally with callable properties :type widget: object :returns: a new widget instance of the same type as widget parameter :rtype: object ''' return widget.__class__(*[ value(file) if callable(value) else value for value in widget ]) def iter_widgets(self, file=None, place=None): ''' Iterate registered widgets, optionally matching given criteria. :param file: optional file object will be passed to widgets' filter functions. :type file: browsepy.file.Node or None :param place: optional template place hint. :type place: str :yields: widget instances :ytype: object ''' for filter, dynamic, cwidget in self._widgets: try: if file and filter and not filter(file): continue except BaseException as e: # Exception is handled as this method execution is deffered, # making hard to debug for plugin developers. warnings.warn( 'Plugin action filtering failed with error: %s' % e, RuntimeWarning ) continue if place and place != continue if file and dynamic: cwidget = self._resolve_widget(file, cwidget) yield cwidget def create_widget(self, place, type, file=None, **kwargs): ''' Create a widget object based on given arguments. If file object is provided, callable arguments will be resolved: its return value will be used after calling them with file as first parameter. All extra `kwargs` parameters will be passed to widget constructor. :param place: place hint where widget should be shown. :type place: str :param type: widget type name as taken from :attr:`widget_types` dict keys. :type type: str :param file: optional file object for widget attribute resolving :type type: browsepy.files.Node or None :returns: widget instance :rtype: object ''' widget_class = self.widget_types.get(type, self.widget_types['base']) kwargs.update(place=place, type=type) try: element = widget_class(**kwargs) except TypeError as e: message = e.args[0] if e.args else '' if ( 'unexpected keyword argument' in message or 'required positional argument' in message ): raise WidgetParameterException( 'type %s; %s; available: %r' % (type, message, widget_class._fields) ) raise e if file and any(map(callable, element)): return self._resolve_widget(file, element) return element def register_widget(self, place=None, type=None, widget=None, filter=None, **kwargs): ''' Create (see :meth:`create_widget`) or use provided widget and register it. This method provides this dual behavior in order to simplify widget creation-registration on an functional single step without sacrifycing the reusability of a object-oriented approach. :param place: where widget should be placed. This param conflicts with `widget` argument. :type place: str or None :param type: widget type name as taken from :attr:`widget_types` dict keys. This param conflicts with `widget` argument. :type type: str or None :param widget: optional widget object will be used as is. This param conflicts with both place and type arguments. :type widget: object or None :raises TypeError: if both widget and place or type are provided at the same time (they're mutually exclusive). :returns: created or given widget object :rtype: object ''' if bool(widget) == bool(place or type): raise InvalidArgumentError( 'register_widget takes either place and type or widget' ) widget = widget or self.create_widget(place, type, **kwargs) dynamic = any(map(callable, widget)) self._widgets.append((filter, dynamic, widget)) return widget class MimetypePluginManager(RegistrablePluginManager): ''' Plugin manager for mimetype-function registration. ''' _default_mimetype_functions = ( mimetype.by_python, mimetype.by_file, mimetype.by_default, ) def clear(self): ''' Clear plugin manager state. Registered mimetype functions will be disposed after calling this method. ''' self._mimetype_functions = list(self._default_mimetype_functions) super(MimetypePluginManager, self).clear() def get_mimetype(self, path): ''' Get mimetype of given path calling all registered mime functions (and default ones). :param path: filesystem path of file :type path: str :returns: mimetype :rtype: str ''' for fnc in self._mimetype_functions: mime = fnc(path) if mime: return mime return mimetype.by_default(path) def register_mimetype_function(self, fnc): ''' Register mimetype function. Given function must accept a filesystem path as string and return a mimetype string or None. :param fnc: callable accepting a path string :type fnc: callable ''' self._mimetype_functions.insert(0, fnc)
[docs]class ArgumentPluginManager(PluginManagerBase): ''' Plugin manager for command-line argument registration. This function is used by browsepy's :mod:`__main__` module in order to attach extra arguments at argument-parsing time. This is done by :meth:`load_arguments` which imports all plugin modules and calls their respective :func:`register_arguments` module-level function. ''' _argparse_kwargs = {'add_help': False} _argparse_arguments = argparse.Namespace()
[docs] def extract_plugin_arguments(self, plugin): ''' Given a plugin name, extracts its registered_arguments as an iterable of (args, kwargs) tuples. :param plugin: plugin name :type plugin: str :returns: iterable if (args, kwargs) tuples. :rtype: iterable ''' module = self.import_plugin(plugin) if hasattr(module, 'register_arguments'): manager = ArgumentPluginManager() module.register_arguments(manager) return manager._argparse_argkwargs return ()
[docs] def load_arguments(self, argv, base=None): ''' Process given argument list based on registered arguments and given optional base :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` instance. This method saves processed arguments on itself, and this state won't be lost after :meth:`clean` calls. Processed argument state will be available via :meth:`get_argument` method. :param argv: command-line arguments (without command itself) :type argv: iterable of str :param base: optional base :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` instance. :type base: argparse.ArgumentParser or None :returns: argparse.Namespace instance with processed arguments as given by :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args`. :rtype: argparse.Namespace ''' plugin_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) plugin_parser.add_argument('--plugin', action='append', default=[]) parent = base or plugin_parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( parents=(parent,), add_help=False, **getattr(parent, 'defaults', {}) ) plugins = [ plugin for plugins in plugin_parser.parse_known_args(argv)[0].plugin for plugin in plugins.split(',') ] for plugin in sorted(set(plugins), key=plugins.index): arguments = self.extract_plugin_arguments(plugin) if arguments: group = parser.add_argument_group('%s arguments' % plugin) for argargs, argkwargs in arguments: group.add_argument(*argargs, **argkwargs) self._argparse_arguments = parser.parse_args(argv) return self._argparse_arguments
[docs] def clear(self): ''' Clear plugin manager state. Registered command-line arguments will be disposed after calling this method. ''' self._argparse_argkwargs = [] super(ArgumentPluginManager, self).clear()
[docs] def register_argument(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Register command-line argument. All given arguments will be passed directly to :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument` calls by :meth:`load_arguments` method. See :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument` documentation for further information. ''' self._argparse_argkwargs.append((args, kwargs))
[docs] def get_argument(self, name, default=None): ''' Get argument value from last :meth:`load_arguments` call. Keep in mind :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args` generates its own command-line arguments if `dest` kwarg is not provided, so ie. `--my-option` became available as `my_option`. :param name: command-line argument name :type name: str :param default: default value if parameter is not found :returns: command-line argument or default value ''' return getattr(self._argparse_arguments, name, default)
class MimetypeActionPluginManager(WidgetPluginManager, MimetypePluginManager): ''' Deprecated plugin API ''' _deprecated_places = { 'javascript': 'scripts', 'style': 'styles', 'button': 'entry-actions', 'link': 'entry-link', } @classmethod def _mimetype_filter(cls, mimetypes): widget_mimetype_re = re.compile( '^%s$' % '$|^'.join( map(re.escape, mimetypes) ).replace('\\*', '[^/]+') ) def handler(f): return widget_mimetype_re.match(f.type) is not None return handler def _widget_attrgetter(self, widget, name): def handler(f): app = or or current_app with app.app_context(): return getattr(widget.for_file(f), name) return handler def _widget_props(self, widget, endpoint=None, mimetypes=(), dynamic=False): type = getattr(widget, '_type', 'base') fields = self.widget_types[type]._fields with props = { name: self._widget_attrgetter(widget, name) for name in fields if hasattr(widget, name) } props.update( type=type, place=self._deprecated_places.get(, ) if dynamic: props['filter'] = self._mimetype_filter(mimetypes) if 'endpoint' in fields: props['endpoint'] = endpoint return props @usedoc(WidgetPluginManager.__init__) def __init__(self, app=None): self._action_widgets = [] super(MimetypeActionPluginManager, self).__init__(app=app) @usedoc(WidgetPluginManager.clear) def clear(self): self._action_widgets[:] = () super(MimetypeActionPluginManager, self).clear() @cached_property def _widget(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning) from . import widget return widget @cached_property @deprecated('Deprecated attribute action_class') def action_class(self): return collections.namedtuple( 'MimetypeAction', ('endpoint', 'widget') ) @cached_property @deprecated('Deprecated attribute style_class') def style_class(self): return self._widget.StyleWidget @cached_property @deprecated('Deprecated attribute button_class') def button_class(self): return self._widget.ButtonWidget @cached_property @deprecated('Deprecated attribute javascript_class') def javascript_class(self): return self._widget.JavascriptWidget @cached_property @deprecated('Deprecated attribute link_class') def link_class(self): return self._widget.LinkWidget @deprecated('Deprecated method register_action') def register_action(self, endpoint, widget, mimetypes=(), **kwargs): props = self._widget_props(widget, endpoint, mimetypes, True) self.register_widget(**props) self._action_widgets.append((widget, props['filter'], endpoint)) @deprecated('Deprecated method get_actions') def get_actions(self, file): return [ self.action_class(endpoint, deprecated.for_file(file)) for deprecated, filter, endpoint in self._action_widgets if endpoint and filter(file) ] @usedoc(WidgetPluginManager.register_widget) def register_widget(self, place=None, type=None, widget=None, filter=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(place or widget, self._widget.WidgetBase): warnings.warn( 'Deprecated use of register_widget', category=DeprecationWarning ) widget = place or widget props = self._widget_props(widget) self.register_widget(**props) self._action_widgets.append((widget, None, None)) return return super(MimetypeActionPluginManager, self).register_widget( place=place, type=type, widget=widget, filter=filter, **kwargs) @usedoc(WidgetPluginManager.get_widgets) def get_widgets(self, file=None, place=None): if isinstance(file, compat.basestring) or \ place in self._deprecated_places: warnings.warn( 'Deprecated use of get_widgets', category=DeprecationWarning ) place = file or place return [ widget for widget, filter, endpoint in self._action_widgets if not (filter or endpoint) and place == ] return super(MimetypeActionPluginManager, self).get_widgets( file=file, place=place)
[docs]class PluginManager(MimetypeActionPluginManager, BlueprintPluginManager, WidgetPluginManager, MimetypePluginManager, ArgumentPluginManager): ''' Main plugin manager Provides: * Plugin module loading and Flask extension logic. * Plugin registration via :func:`register_plugin` functions at plugin module level. * Plugin blueprint registration via :meth:`register_plugin` calls. * Widget registration via :meth:`register_widget` method. * Mimetype function registration via :meth:`register_mimetype_function` method. * Command-line argument registration calling :func:`register_arguments` at plugin module level and providing :meth:`register_argument` method. This class also provides a dictionary of widget types at its :attr:`widget_types` attribute. They can be referenced by their keys on both :meth:`create_widget` and :meth:`register_widget` methods' `type` parameter, or instantiated directly and passed to :meth:`register_widget` via `widget` parameter. '''
[docs] def clear(self): ''' Clear plugin manager state. Registered widgets will be disposed after calling this method. Registered mimetype functions will be disposed after calling this method. Registered command-line arguments will be disposed after calling this method. ''' super(PluginManager, self).clear()