.. _builtin-plugins: Bultin Plugins ============== A player plugin is provided by default, and more are planned. Builtin-plugins serve as developers reference, while also being useful for unit-testing. .. _builtin-plugins-player: Player ------ Player plugin provides their own endpoints, widgets and extends both :class:`browsepy.file.File` and :class:`browsepy.file.Directory` so playlists and directories could be handled. At the client-side, a slighty tweaked `jPlayer `_ implementation is used. Sources are available at browsepy's `plugin.player`_ submodule. .. _plugin.player: https://github.com/ergoithz/browsepy/tree/master/browsepy/plugin/player .. _builtin-plugins-contributing: Contributing Builtin Plugins ---------------------------- Browsepy's team is open to contributions of any kind, even about adding built-in plugins, as long as they comply with the following requirements: * Plugins must be sufficiently covered by tests to avoid lowering browsepy's overall test coverage. * Plugins must not add external requirements to browsepy, optional requirements are allowed if plugin can work without them, even with limited functionality. * Plugins should avoid adding specific logic on browsepy itself, but extending browsepy's itself (specially via plugin interface) in a generic and useful way is definitely welcome. Said that, feel free to fork, code great stuff and fill pull requests at `GitHub `_.