.. _quickstart: Quickstart ========== .. _quickstart-installation: Installation ------------ browsepy is available at the `Python Package Index `_ so you can use pip to install. Please remember `virtualenv`_ or :mod:`venv` usage, for Python 2 and Python 3 respectively, is highly recommended when working with pip. .. code-block:: bash pip install browsepy Alternatively, you can get the development version from our `github repository`_ using `git`_. Brench **master** will be pointing to current release while new versions will reside on their own branches. .. code-block:: bash pip install git+https://github.com/ergoithz/browsepy.git .. _virtualenv: https://virtualenv.pypa.io/ .. _github repository: https://github.com/ergoithz/browsepy .. _git: https://git-scm.com/ .. _quickstart-usage: Usage ----- These examples assume python's `bin` directory is in `PATH`, if not, replace `browsepy` with `python -m browsepy`. Serving ``$HOME/shared`` to all addresses: .. code-block:: bash browsepy 8080 --directory $HOME/shared Showing help: .. code-block:: bash browsepy --help And this is what is printed when you run `browsepy --help`, keep in mind that plugins (loaded with `plugin` argument) could add extra arguments to this list. :: usage: browsepy [-h] [--directory PATH] [--initial PATH] [--removable PATH] [--upload PATH] [--exclude PATTERN] [--exclude-from PATH] [--plugin MODULE] [host] [port] description: starts a browsepy web file browser positional arguments: host address to listen (default: port port to listen (default: 8080) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --directory PATH serving directory (default: current path) --initial PATH default directory (default: same as --directory) --removable PATH base directory allowing remove (default: none) --upload PATH base directory allowing upload (default: none) --exclude PATTERN exclude paths by pattern (multiple) --exclude-from PATH exclude paths by pattern file (multiple) --plugin MODULE load plugin module (multiple) Showing help including player plugin arguments: .. code-block:: bash browsepy --plugin player --help And this is what is printed when you run `browsepy --plugin player --help`. Please note the extra parameters below `player arguments`. :: usage: browsepy [-h] [--directory PATH] [--initial PATH] [--removable PATH] [--upload PATH] [--exclude PATTERN] [--exclude-from PATH] [--plugin MODULE] [--player-directory-play] [host] [port] description: starts a browsepy web file browser positional arguments: host address to listen (default: port port to listen (default: 8080) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --directory PATH serving directory (default: current path) --initial PATH default directory (default: same as --directory) --removable PATH base directory allowing remove (default: none) --upload PATH base directory allowing upload (default: none) --exclude PATTERN exclude paths by pattern (multiple) --exclude-from PATH exclude paths by pattern file (multiple) --plugin MODULE load plugin module (multiple) player arguments: --player-directory-play enable directories as playlist