

browsepy is available at the Python Package Index so you can use pip to install. Please remember virtualenv or venv usage, for Python 2 and Python 3 respectively, is highly recommended when working with pip.

pip install browsepy

Alternatively, you can get the development version from our github repository using git. Brench master will be pointing to current release while new versions will reside on their own branches.

pip install git+https://github.com/ergoithz/browsepy.git


These examples assume python’s bin directory is in PATH, if not, replace browsepy with python -m browsepy.

Serving $HOME/shared to all addresses:

browsepy 8080 --directory $HOME/shared

Showing help:

browsepy --help

And this is what is printed when you run browsepy –help, keep in mind that plugins (loaded with plugin argument) could add extra arguments to this list.

usage: browsepy [-h] [--directory PATH] [--initial PATH]
                [--removable PATH] [--upload PATH]
                [--exclude PATTERN] [--exclude-from PATH]
                [--plugin MODULE]
                [host] [port]

description: starts a browsepy web file browser

positional arguments:
  host                 address to listen (default:
  port                 port to listen (default: 8080)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --directory PATH     serving directory (default: current path)
  --initial PATH       default directory (default: same as --directory)
  --removable PATH     base directory allowing remove (default: none)
  --upload PATH        base directory allowing upload (default: none)
  --exclude PATTERN    exclude paths by pattern (multiple)
  --exclude-from PATH  exclude paths by pattern file (multiple)
  --plugin MODULE      load plugin module (multiple)

Showing help including player plugin arguments:

browsepy --plugin player --help

And this is what is printed when you run browsepy –plugin player –help. Please note the extra parameters below player arguments.

usage: browsepy [-h] [--directory PATH] [--initial PATH]
                [--removable PATH] [--upload PATH]
                [--exclude PATTERN] [--exclude-from PATH]
                [--plugin MODULE] [--player-directory-play]
                [host] [port]

description: starts a browsepy web file browser

positional arguments:
  host                  address to listen (default:
  port                  port to listen (default: 8080)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --directory PATH      serving directory (default: current path)
  --initial PATH        default directory (default: same as --directory)
  --removable PATH      base directory allowing remove (default: none)
  --upload PATH         base directory allowing upload (default: none)
  --exclude PATTERN     exclude paths by pattern (multiple)
  --exclude-from PATH   exclude paths by pattern file (multiple)
  --plugin MODULE       load plugin module (multiple)

player arguments:
                        enable directories as playlist